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Microbiome & Probiotic R&D & Business Collaboration Forum: USA

: 17 Oct 2024 - 18 Oct 2024

: San Diego, United States

Sector : Cosmetic/Personal Care, Microbiome

Type : Conference - In person

The 2024 US Microbiome Forum covers gut health and disease, as well as the stunning advances being made in understanding the gut-brain axis. Speakers will report on the developments in Probiotics, Prebiotics, and Postbiotic research as well as personalized nutrition and cardiometabolic disease. There is expanded coverage of Women’s health and advances in HMO & infant health. The forum will provide an opportunity to explore the challenges and opportunities in translating research towards commercialization, as well as learn how partnerships and collaborations can secure investment.

Paul Carlson, Principal Investigator at the Laboratory of Mucosal Pathogens and Cellular Immunology, CBER, FDA, will discuss the regulatory considerations for microbiome-based therapeutics.

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