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24th September 2024  Content supplied by: Romer Labs Division Holding GmbH

5 Common Mycotoxin Testing Pitfalls (and How to Overcome Them)

Mycotoxins, toxic secondary metabolites produced by certain fungi, pose a significant risk to the safety of food and feed products. With the potential to cause severe health issues in humans and animals, stringent regulations govern the acceptable levels of mycotoxins in various commodities.

Additionally, many industry players set their own mycotoxin thresholds, often stricter than regulatory limits, to protect their brand reputation and ensure consumer safety.

Ensuring compliance with both regulatory and industry-specific standards necessitates accurate and reliable mycotoxin testing. However, despite advancements in testing methodologies, several common pitfalls can still compromise the accuracy of test results.


This article explores five of the most common pitfalls in mycotoxin testing and offers practical solutions to overcome these challenges, ensuring that the results are both reliable and actionable.

  • Pitfall 1: Improper Sampling
  • Pitfall 2: Improper Sample Storage
  • Pitfall 3: Inadequate Sample Preparation
  • Pitfall 4: Matrix Effects Interference
  • Pitfall 5: Test Execution

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Date Published: 24th September 2024

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