MWE have spent 60 years improving specimen collection & transportation; the key to accurate and clinically relevant diagnostic microbiology.
MWE offers an extensive range of microbiology & virology specimen collection devices. Recent additions to this range enhance the use of liquid based microbiology by introducing the next generation of microbiology systems:
- These innovative collection devices offer multiple test analysis from liquid transport medium, associated with automated processing systems and traditional culture methods as well as being compatible with molecular diagnostic assays.
- The ∑ (Sigma) range of products incorporates a screw cap tube, a variety of different liquid transport mediums and a Sigma Swab® with open cell polyurethane foam bud.
- These devices incorporate the ingenious swab capture mechanism - when the swab is placed into the tube & snapped at its breakpoint, the swab is "captured" as the cap is screwed on.
Don't delay, call today! For quality, reliability and excellent service choose Medical Wire for all your microbiology and diagnostic requirements. Call: +[44] 1225 810 361 Fax: +[44] 1225 810 153
Please note : Any products described on this page are
for Research Use Only and not intended for clinical diagnostic procedures unless otherwise stated.