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3rd October 2016 Content supplied by: Merck Millipore
Accessories Make Sterility Testing Faster and Safer in Any Setting

Merck has introduced a set of Steritest™ Symbio Pump systems accessories that accelerate and streamline sterility testing workflows.
The new accessories address testing challenges in various laboratory settings and enhance safety and convenience during sample handling, filtration and waste management as well as canister transport, incubation and reading. The accessories also increase usable space for testing and integrate seamlessly with the Steritest™ Symbio LFH Pump, Symbio ISL Pump and Symbio FLEX Pump in laminar flow hoods, cleanrooms and isolators.
Merck has set the standard for reliability and convenience in sterility testing since its first filtration device was introduced in 1974. The new Steritest™ Symbio Pump accessories make Merck's latest sterility testing systems even more reliable, safe and easy to use within any type of testing environment.
The range of Steritest™ Symbio Pump accessories includes products for sample handling, filtration, waste management, and transport and incubation.
Date Published: 3rd October 2016
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