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8th September 2015  Content supplied by: Medical Wire & Equipment

Discover the Latest Swabs for Clinical Virology at ESCV



Medical Wire is pleased to be exhibiting at the 18th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Clinical Virology in Edinburgh, and will be featuring some key products which are used by virologists around the world.

18th Annual Meeting ESCV 2015 Edinburgh 9th-12th September 2015 Come and visit us at Booth B2


viral transport medium




Fecal Transwab

Fecal Transwab®

Sigma-Virocult® is the leading transport swab device for viral specimens. Virocult® medium is completely suitable for processing by traditional cell culture and the latest PCR based techniques. It has played a leading role in the surveillance and control of major epidemics such as SARS, avian flu, swine flu, Ebola and MERSCoV.

Sigma-VCM™ is a newer product, based on Sigma Virocult® but in addition to viruses, also well suited for chlamydia, mycoplasmas and Neisseria gonorrhoeae.

Fecal Transwab® has been developed for enteric pathogens and is suitable for conventional studies of bacteria, but also using molecular techniques for enteric viruses and parasites.


PurFlock & HydraFlock

PurFlock® & HydraFlock®

Medical Wire has also recently launched PurFlock® and HydraFlock®, its advanced ranges of multilength, multifilament polyester flocked swabs.


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Date Published: 8th September 2015

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