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30th July 2024  Content supplied by: Don Whitley Scientific

Easy Media Preparation

Laboratories tend to meet their culture media requirements by either manual preparation; purchasing pre-made media; or by using an automated media preparator. Each of these methods has its advantages and disadvantages but is it time to really consider automation?

The most flexible, cost-effective solution is to prepare media in-house using an automated media preparator. Kirsty McTear, Microbiologist at Don Whitley Scientific, talks us through the advantages:

  • Quality, repeatable batches of media can be made with less risk of contamination.
  • Users can have confidence that media is maintained at specific temperatures and cooled to allow dispensing.
  • Hot spots can be eliminated because media is continuously stirred without introducing air bubbles.
  • Flexibility and economy in terms of the volumes of media that can be prepared, eg from 1 to 50 litres of media, depending on the size of the device.

The MEDIAWEL is fitted with ports to allow sterile additives to be added aseptically following sterilisation. Heat-sensitive supplements can be prepared by aseptically rehydrating a sterile powdered ingredient or vials of pre-prepared liquid supplements can be used. These can be added through the ports on the media preparator, once the media has been cooled to the appropriate holding temperature.

Processed sterile media is dispensed directly from the automated preparator with the aid of a peristaltic pump. It is also possible to connect media preparators to automated plate pourers, such as the DISTRIWEL. This allows prepared agar plates to be filled and stacked ready for use. Combining an automated media preparator with a pourer/stacker is ideal as prepared media can be quickly poured into plates with minimal risk of contamination. 700 plates in an hour can be dispensed when a MEDIAWEL is connected to the DISTRIWEL. The DISTRIWEL has an integrated refrigeration plate for rapid cooling to ensure uniform, level plates. In addition to automated pourers, it is also possible to connect media preparators to gravimetric diluters (see the DILUWEL) for precise dilution of bulk samples.

Every aspect of automated media preparation is controlled using the touchscreen interface directly or via a connected computer. All programme parameters are displayed and can be adjusted to create customised sterilisation cycles. To ensure traceability, operator names and batch numbers can be entered and it is possible to add a chart recorder and/or barcode reader. The addition of a Petri dish labelling machine would also reduce potential labelling errors and truly automate the media production process.

There is a perception that automated media preparators are expensive, however consider the amount of time they save, the quality of the media produced, and the reduced chance of contamination. MEDIAWEL is an excellent method of producing consistent, high quality culture media in small or large batches, whenever it’s needed.

MEDIAWEL is available in three different sizes for the preparation of between 1 and 50 litres of media. For more information about automated media preparation solutions, please use the Request Information button below to contact Don Whitley.

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Date Published: 30th July 2024

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