Making Food Pathogen...
Environmental Monito...
29th March 2022 Content supplied by:
Environmental Monitoring Solutions for Food Manufacturing - a rapidmicrobiology special focus

In this rapidmicrobiology special focus, we highlight products designed to help implement an effective and compliant environmental monitoring programme in food production facilities.
Solutions covered here start with the taking of samples from surfaces where the most appropriate swabs and sponges need to be selected, for example to access hard to reach areas or to cope with uneven surfaces such as drains. After taking the sample the swab or sponge should be put in transport media containing appropriate neutralizers to ensure any residual sanitizer is inactivated.
Also on this page are systems for assessing the effectiveness of cleaning processes using either ATP based tests or the newly introduced hand held impedance cytometer.
The Listeria pathogen is always a key area of concern for food manufacturers, find out about a range of testing options from plates to PCR. Plus there's a new guide to Listeria testing, recently published by Campden BRI, that covers methods of sampling plus cultural and molecular methods.
Bio-Rad's Listeria Detection Methods: All in One Place!
Bio-Rad offers a complete solution that simplifies your Listeria testing options for faster, more comprehensive results.
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Environmental Sampling Tools for Today’s Unique Food Safety Challenges
Looking for microbiological sample collection devices built specifically to address the challenges faced by food manufacturers, learn how World Bioproducts can help.
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Rapid Microbial Screening – One System for All Beverage Products
Traditional testing methods take multiple days, if not weeks, to determine if beverages are contaminated with microorganisms. Streamline testing by using the Innovate System to detect contamination in as little as 24 hours.
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Environmental Monitoring with AccuPoint® Advanced Next Generation
Hygiene monitoring is at the core of every food safety programme. A good hygiene monitoring programme can highlight problems before products are manufactured. Stopping these issues early not only protects public health, but also protects brand integrity.
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In Today's World of Short Supply. Product Safety is Top Priority
Today, with costs rising and many items in short supply, every raw material and every finished good is valuable. Monitor to be sure your efforts to deliver the best products aren't derailed by quality issues related to microbial contamination.
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CytoQuant® - Directly Quantify Bacteria and Residues on Surfaces
CytoQuant® enables the immediate, on-site verification of cleaning procedures in food production facilities by directly quantifying bacteria and residues on surfaces.
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Selective Medium for Enumeration of Yeasts and Moulds
Rapid Y/M Agar is a medium used for selective isolation and enumeration of yeasts and moulds from food, animal foodstuffs, water and environmental samples.
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Practical Control of Listeria in Food Production - New Guide from Campden BRI
This document considers how the food industry can attempt to control Listeria in the food production environment and, therefore, in food products. Includes methods for sampling and testing such as enrichment, plating media, confirmation and identification, antibody-based tests and molecular methods.
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A Proactive Approach to Environmental Monitoring
A proactive approach to environmental monitoring is important to highlight potential issues before they become costly to deal with, damage brand reputation and risk public health. Neogen®’s range of solutions for environmental monitoring are designed to verify cleanliness accurately and rapidly.
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Not the Usual Suspects: 5 Gaps in Your Environmental Testing Program
In this issue of Spot On Magazine from Romer Labs, we discuss impedance flow cytometry and how it can give food producers immediate verification of their cleaning and disinfection programs. We also give you a behind-the-scenes look at the CytoQuant® mobile flow cytometer.
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Provider of Proficiency Testing Programs for Food and Environmental Testing
Verify the accuracy and reliability of your laboratory's detection and enumeration competancy with BIPEA Proficiency Testing Schemes, which offer a wide range of analytes in real food matrices - including Salmonella, Listeria, Staphylococcal toxins and foodborne viruses.
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Date Published: 29th March 2022
Making Food Pathogen Testing Fast
Environmental Monitoring Solutions for Pharma