Explore Medical Wire’s Innovative Swab Range at IBMS - Booth 620

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Medical Wire is delighted to be exhibiting at the IBMS Congress 2015 at Birmingham (28-30 September).

Once again we will be pleased to welcome visitors to the exhibition. Our stand number is 620. Come and help us celebrate the “40 years  of Transwab®” . It was in 1975 that Medical Wire invented “Transwab®”, the world’s first commercially produced transport swab with gel medium.


Never content to sit on our laurels we have introduced many innovative products since then, not least our ranges of liquid medium swabs for bacteriology and virology. This year has seen the launch of Sigma TSB with 6.5% Sodium Chloride for enhanced processing of MRSA screening specimens.

Sigma TSB

We are also delighted to participate at the New Technology Showcase (Monday 28th, Room A, 2pm) where Dr. Monika Stuczen will explain how CLSI’s M40-A2 standard can allow you to assess and compare the performance of transport swabs.

New Technology Showcase

The introduction of liquid medium swabs for use in the increasingly prevalent automated platforms has also meant the need for assistance with the training of clinical staff in the correct use of these novel devices. Again Medical Wire has been a pioneer in this area, with a real commitment to supporting trusts with bespoke training programmes for those involved in the collection of specimens from patients. And at Congress we will be launching our brand new range of short instruction videos explaining the correct method for use of these swabs. As with our training programmes, these videos are tailored to suit local specimen collection policies.

MWE Videos


So do come and visit us on Stand 620.

For full details visit www.mwe.co.uk