High Throughput Biol...
New Automation Frien...
4th July 2017 Content supplied by: INTEGRA Biosciences AG
Free Demo of Superior Multichannel Pipetting Results

INTEGRA is offering scientists a free demonstration, in their own laboratory, to show how you can achieve superior multichannel pipetting results.
The demonstration will show you how to optimally use multichannel pipettes to improve your pipetting results, avoid repetitive strain injuries (RSI) and also illustrate how INTEGRA multichannel pipettes help you to speed up your working process. Getting superior multichannel pipetting results requires securely attached and perfectly aligned pipette tips every time.
The demonstration shows how GripTips, a unique pipette tip system for INTEGRA multichannel pipettes, enables you to achieve this. Ultra-lightweight and ergonomically designed for user-friendly operation, even over extended periods of time, INTEGRA VIAFLO and Voyager multichannel pipettes feature an intuitive touch wheel user interface that will enhance your productivity.
Register Now: www.integra-biosciences.com/en/multichannel-demo
Date Published: 4th July 2017
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High Throughput Biological Sample Collection &
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