Story of the Sterite...
Story of the Sterite...
9th February 2021 Podcast: Paul Carton
GMP Annex 1: Changes in Microbial Monitoring - a rapidmicrobiology podcast
This podcast is sponsored by Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany
GMP Annex 1: Changes in Microbial Monitoring - a rapidmicrobiology podcast
In this episode, Anne Klees and Adele Gisselmann (Global Product Managers with Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany) unravel the New GMP Annex I (Draft 2020) and explain what effect its changes and new sections will have on environmental microbial monitoring.
[1:20] - Key Changes in Annex I
[2:31] - Rapid and Alternative Methods in Annex I
[6:10] - Qualification of Recovery Rates for Air Samplers & Culture Media
[7:45] - Validating Media for its Neutralization Efficiency
[9:05] - Validating Air Samplers
[14:40] - New Sections in Annex I (Aseptic Process Simulation/Media-fill etc.)
[20:28] - How Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany can help with Regulatory Requirements

If you would like to discuss your Environmental Monitoring requirements with Adele and Anne, please use the 'Request Information' button provided below.
Date Published: 9th February 2021
Source article link: View
Story of the Steritest™
Story of the Steritest™