Evaluating Pyrogen C...
Why MAT Will Save Ra...
15th June 2021 Content supplied by: Merck
How to Handle Environmental Monitoring in Isolators - A rapidmicrobiology Podcast
This podcast is sponsored by Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany.
How to Handle Environmental Monitoring in Isolators - A rapidmicrobiology Podcast
In this episode, Adele Gisselmann (Global Product Manager with Merck KGaA Darmstadt, Germany) describes the challenges of performing environmental monitoring in isolators, like manipulation with thick gloves and the effect of VHP, and explains how smart product design overcomes these challenges.
Click here to download a full transcript of the podcast
Please feel free to request information from us regarding your Environmental Monitoring requirements or click here to visit our dedicated webpage.
[0:40] - Differences between environmental monitoring (EM) in isolator and cleanroom
[2:05] - Performing EM with thick neoprene gloves
[2:53] - Handling air samplers
[3:38] - What impact does VHP have on EM?
[5:11] - Neutralization of VHP residues
[6:10] - Storing material for EM during the production run
[7:25] - Taking away swabs and plates safely after sampling
[8:05] - Guidance in Annex I?

Date Published: 15th June 2021
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Evaluating Pyrogen Contamination Risk and
Why MAT Will Save Rabbits