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Safeguarding the Env...
12th February 2024 Content supplied by: Copan Italia S.p.a.
Join Copan on a Journey to Become an Avant-garde Lab!
Do you remember the microbiology labs of 40 years ago? Copan certainly does! Since then and before anyone else, Copan embarked on a journey aimed at advancing clinical microbiology, from sample collection to data interpretation.
Where are we headed?
Get ready! This year, Copan wants to leverage great science and its passion for microbiology to accompany you on the same journey.
In the months ahead, three stages of whitepapers, interviews, and studies will provide valuable insights for lab improvement, from the most basic techniques to the technologies that empower the leading microbiology labs worldwide. At the end of this journey, we bet your lab will never be the same again!
It’s time to choose your character.
Along this path toward diagnostics excellence, six characters with unique personalities and fundamental roles in the lab will improve with us: whether you are a lab veteran, a young tech enthusiast, or a multi-degreed Professor, there’s surely someone you will resonate with. So, who would you like to be your companion?
Visit The Journey to Become an Avant-Garde Lab page, select your character, and stay tuned: the adventure is about to begin!
Date Published: 12th February 2024
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Safeguarding the Environment: Advanced Microbial