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2nd December 2013 Content supplied by:
New Lab M Listeria Express Enrichment Broth

Lab M has launched listeria Express Enrichment (LEE) Broth, a new addition to the company’s extensive range of media for the detection and isolation of Listeria. Developed to give improved growth rates of Listeria over traditional selective enrichment media, LEE Broth enhances the expression of target antigens for most commercially available immunological test methods whilst maintaining suppression of non-target organisms.
Key to both the efficacy and convenience of Lab M’s LEE Broth is the blending of selective components directly into the medium, eliminating any need for supplementation. LEE Broth is formulated to stimulate growth from low numbers of organisms in the original sample to achieve the high levels required for further testing within a 24-hour incubation period.
Lab M’s LEE Broth can be used in a number of ways. Ideal for enrichment prior to plating on selective media such as Harlequin™ listeria Chromogenic Agar, it is also highly effective as a secondary selective enrichment broth following primary enrichment in, for example, Half Fraser Broth. It performs particularly well as the enrichment step for subsequent rapid testing in ELISA, lateral flow devices or PCR, for example.
As well as the new LEE Broth, the extensive portfolio of media available from Lab M for Listeria testing now includes: Harlequin™ listeria Chromogenic Agar, available as dehydrated culture medium or as ready-to-use prepared plates; a variety of enrichment media for use in different protocols; listeria Isolation Medium, Oxford (ISO); Listeria Monocytogenes Blood Agar (LMBA).
For full details visit
Date Published: 2nd December 2013
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