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6th July 2015 Content supplied by: Puritan Medical
Puritan Introduces New Forensic Products

Puritan have introduced 6 new swab products specially designed to meet the needs of forensic and DNA sample collection. The new forensics swabs are valuable additions to the existing popular Puritan range - DNA Controlled, Cap-Shure™, and Popule® lines.
DNA-Controlled Swabs
Designed for specimen and evidence sampling, DNA-Controlled Swabs are manufactured in a DNA-controlled and monitored clean-room environment. The three new products in this line have various tip shapes, materials and handle configurations. Packaged in a convenient reclosable, dry transport tube are designed for reliable sample and evidence collection.
Flocked Swabs
Ideal for PCR, molecular assays, DFA testing and direct antigen testing, flocked swabs increasingly popular in forensic circles for their ability to collect, retain, and elute specimen better than other types of swabs. The new flocked swab addition to our DNA-Controlled line is #25-3606-U BT FABUSA, offered with an elongated PurFlock Ultra® flock tip and polystyrene handle with a molded 30mm breakpoint.
Cap-Shure® Swabs
The ideal choice for efficiently collecting minute samples at crime scenes, Cap-Shure products make multi-step specimen collection faster and simpler. The two new additions to the range, #25-3206-H EC and #25-3206-U EC are offered with elongated HydraFlock® and PurFlock Ultra® flocked tips, allowing for optimal specimen collection. Both feature a contaminant-free aerated cap, which protects the tip from cross-contamination, ensuring specimen protection and quality. The ventilated cap allows for normal air-drying and lays flat for ease of transport. Each swab comes sterile and individually wrapped, facilitating ease of use with a simple 3-step process. Simply open the protector cap, slide down the swab handle until the tip is exposed, then once the designated area has been swabbed, simply slide the cap back over the swab and close.
Popule® Self-Saturating Foam Swab
The newest addition to the Popule® family, is #25-4000, a self-saturating foam swab pre-filled with 2mL of sterile water. The self-saturating foam tip makes this product convenient and mess-free during sampling and collection of trace DNA.
Puritan are committed to innovation and continually move forward with new products specifically designed to meet the needs of forensic professionals.
For more information on any of these new forensic product offerings, or help with ordering, simply contact one of Puritan's helpful associates today.
Date Published: 6th July 2015
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