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13th June 2016 Content supplied by: Puritan Medical Products Company
Puritan to Attend ASM’s Annual Microbiology Event in Boston, MA

Puritan Medical Products, North America’s largest manufacturer of specimen collection devices, is thrilled to announce its attendance at the American Society for Microbiology’s (ASM) 2016 Microbe event.
ASM Microbe 2016 combines the annual General Meeting with the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) to showcase the best microbial sciences in the world. The event promises a one-of-a-kind forum to network, learn, and explore the complete spectrum of microbiology, from basic science to translation and application.
Attendees should visit Puritan at booth #648 where we’ll be showcasing some exciting new products. Our latest offering is a 3" applicator stick for MALDI-TOF MS systems. The tapered pointed stick, available sterile and non-sterile, can be used as a direct colony transfer device to the MALDI racks for analysis.
MALDI-TOF systems will be a hot topic at ASM Microbe 2016. Attendees can find it scattered through the agenda, including a meet-the-experts presentation entitled “Integration of MALDI-TOF MS in Clinical Laboratories-Two Laboratories’ Experiences” and a “Practical Considerations and Novel Applications of MALDI-TOF MS in the Clinical Laboratory” symposium session. Both take place on June 18.
In addition to our new MALDI-TOF stick, we’ll also have four new enrichment mediums at our booth, as well as a transport system for sampling human DNA and RNA for research.
Date Published: 13th June 2016
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