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21st August 2024  Content supplied by: Gold Standard Diagnostics

Rapid On-site Testing Solutions: Kits and Compact Instruments

On-site diagnostic solutions for the dairy industry include testing for food pathogens, aflatoxins, allergens, or veterinary drug residues. These in-house solutions reduce both time to results and costs.

  • Microbiology: milk and products derived from milk can be important sources of foodborne pathogens. Listeria and Salmonella bacteria can survive and thrive in post-pasteurization processing environments, leading to the recontamination of dairy products and presenting a potential risk to the consumer.
  • Our PCR and ELISA kits enable a reliable and fast detection of Listeria and Salmonella species in dairy products.
  • The Path-Chek rapid tests are the optimal solution for the detection of a range of bacteria (Salmonella, Listeria, and Coliforms) on work surfaces and in the processing environment.
  • Automation Solutions: we offer a broad menu of innovative, fully-automated, user-friendly, and compact instruments.

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Date Published: 21st August 2024

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