Sigma GBS™ for Faster Screening of Group B Streptococcus

Sigma GBS

See the Sigma GBS at Booth 094 ECCMID 2016, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 9-12 April 

Sigma GBS™ is a swab based device for the direct collection and rapid processing of screening specimens for Streptococcus agalactiae (commonly known as Group B Streptococcus). Streptococcus agalactiae is a leading cause of illness in newborn babies, and can result in death or serious life changing consequences. The organism may be carried asymptomatically by the mother, but can then be passed onto the baby during labour. Policies vary, but in some countries there is now a screening programme to identify carriers with a view to offering antibiotics during labour. Other countries may not have universal screening, but there is still increased testing of those deemed to be at most risk of being carriers.

Sigma GBS

The Sigma GBS™ device consists of a vial of Lim broth enrichment medium and a swab which can be snapped into the vial. The swab is used to collect specimen in normal way from vagina or rectum in accordance with local procedures.

After collecting the specimen, the vial is incubated at 37OC before inoculation onto a suitable chromogenic agar medium for the direct detection and identification of Streptococcus agalactiae. Lim Broth medium will promote growth of Streptococcus agalactiae, while inhibiting any growth of other bacteria such as E. coli which would often be present in the same specimens.

The vial is compatible with all current automated processing platforms, while if a more rapid diagnosis is required, the specimen can be tested using molecular methods.

  • Convenient format for screening for Group B Streptococcus colonisation.
  • Lim Broth Medium
  • Enrichment of specimens ready for direct plating on chromogenic agar
  • Interfering bacteria inhibited, including E. coli
  • Simpler processing and faster turnaround
  • Convenient Snap ‘n’ Cap format for easy specimen handling.
  • Liquid format compatible with automated processing platforms


Product Details

Product CodeProduct DescriptionPack Size
MWGBSSigma GBS™ with 2ml medium, with standard Sigma swab (cellular foam tip)125
MWGBSTSigma GBS™ with 2ml medium– Tube only50