Summer Issue of Lab M’s Min-e-Cat Now Available

Lab M

In the Summer 2014 issue of its Min-e-Cat e-newsletter, microbiology company Lab M highlights the recent introduction of two new product ranges, Pinnacle™ pre-poured plates and the µPrep™ line of bagged, ready-to-reconstitute media. Both were made possible as a result of Lab M’s move to new headquarters and manufacturing facilities in Greater Manchester, UK, in July 2012.

Lab M Newsletter


“While I’m amazed at how quickly two years have passed, I’m delighted that we are already achieving many of the goals set when we moved,” said Ian Morris, Lab M’s Managing Director. “Our new facility was up and running very quickly, allowing us to forge ahead with bringing these new product lines out of R&D and into full production, as we continue to extend our offering and support to microbiologists around the world.”

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