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25th June 2020  Content supplied by: Medical Wire & Equipment Co

To Ask The Correct Question Choose The Correct Swab – Choose MWE!

MWE – Transport Swabs – always the right choice

  • Sigma Transwab® & Transwab® - best for bacteriology.

  • Transwab® with Amies gel, with or without charcoal, the best gel swab, the first commercially produced gel transport swab in the world, and leading the field for nearly 50 years. Fully compliant with CLSI M40-A2 for recoveries of aerobes, anaerobes, and fastidious bacteria. Also completely compatible with the isolation of Candida.

  • Sigma Transwab® with liquid Amies - now the best choice for all automated platforms, and very practical for conventional handling. Fully compliant with CLSI M40-A2 for recoveries of aerobes, anaerobes, and fastidious bacteria. Also completely compatible with the isolation of Candida.

  • Fecal Transwab® with liquid Cary Blair - best for enterics - bacteria and viruses, automated handling, culture, or molecular.

  • Sigma Virocult® - best for viruses. Respiratory, Skin, STI’s  - culture or molecular.

  • Sigma VCM - best universal/multi-purpose for viruses, chlamydia, and mycoplasmas.


All available with a range of anatomically appropriate sampling devices, including cellular foam, flocked fibre, and spun fibre.

MWE – the correct choice for the correct diagnosis!

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Date Published: 25th June 2020

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