rapidmicrobiology eNewsletter - 22nd February 2022.
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Meat Safety Tools Service and Support from Bio Rad
Featured News
NEOGENs One Broth One Plate Solutions
Our OBOP alternative culture media solutions for the detection of Listeria and Salmonella provide results in as little as 48 hours using just one enrichment broth and one agar plate per target organism, offering increased sensitivity and simplicity.   more... 
ddPCR instrument from BioRad for detection of STEC
Bio Rad offers a Droplet Digital PCR solution, the dd-Check STEC Solution, for the screening and confirmation of Shiga Toxin-Producing E. coli (STEC) with Linked and Unlinked stx and eae in Beef Matrices.  Its enhanced test accuracy gives fewer false-positive reactions.  more... 
ReadyStream system
How the ReadyStream® system was invented. How Merck identified the market need, solved the problem, and brought to market a simple on-the-spot media preparation instrument for food testing labs.  more... 
bioMerieux Predictive Diagnostics
With results in as little as 24 hours, bioMérieux automated solutions for pathogen detection and enumeration deliver rapid, accurate, and traceable results to enable faster decisions and corrective actions throughout the process, so you can release products sooner.  more... 
Food production operative testing for food pathogens with a Puritan swab
In this article, we share tips and best practices for collecting and testing food for bacterial pathogens plus you'll find a step-by-step food safety sampling method for use with Puritan's EnviroMax® and EnviroMax Plus® sterile environmental sampling swabs.  more... 
Pall Rapid Microbial Detection System for the Food Industry
Food quality control is paramount when it comes to consumer safety. In a highly competitive market, we recognise the need for early detection of food-borne pathogens. The GeneDisc® PCR System offers peace of mind to food industries.  more... 
Condalab Condagene
Aware of the laboratories needs to obtain results in the shortest time possible, Condalab bring to you our new product line for rapid pathogen detection based on real-time PCR technology. Reliability, versatility, and quickness thanks to Condagene®  more... 
Hygiena Food Pathogen Testing
To ensure food products are pathogen-free, facilities often turn to PCR analysis after traditional culture, but these methods can take days to generate results. By combining simple, rapid methods with real-time PCR, pathogen detection and quantification can be achieved in less than 10 hours.  more... 
Salmonella and STEC
Eurofins GeneScan Technologies has recently validated a co-enrichment protocol for a simultaneous enrichment of Salmonella and STEC, in produce and meat in one efficient step.  more... 
RiboFlow Listeria Twin Rapid and Simple Molecular Detection
Proven Lateral Flow format. Fast, easy and instrument free biomolecular test system. SY-LAB´s RiboFlow®Listeria Twin will detect Listeria contamination quickly and reliably.  more... 
Fortis Life Sciences
Established in 2020 and headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, Fortis Life Sciences has a vision of creating a unique life sciences company focused on offering world-class products coupled with the best customer experience in the industry.  more... 
MICA Pseudomonas
MICA Pseudomonas gives you results in 24 hours and in CFU. A new tool to improve responsiveness and performance now available for microbiological quality control in water. 99% similarity with ISO 16266 & easy to implement.  more... 
Gold Nanomaterial LFAs
Download this new compendium of recently published peer-review articles.  more... 
EnSURE Touch the most used smart ATP System at your fingertips
Download NEOGENs Microbiology Insider
Condalab qPCR Kits
Fundamentals of Microbiology in Under 15 Minutes MicroLearning Video from Charles River
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Featured Product
Celsis Microbial Detection Instrument from Charles River

When it comes to patient safety, should close enough ever be good enough? In an industry that relies on cutting edge technology to stay compliant, a subjective, visual final sterility confirmation is no longer acceptable.

Celsis® rapid microbial detection takes the guesswork out of determining your product’s sterility by providing a definitive yes or no result for the most critical of decisions.

Through reagent-catalyzed amplified ATP-bioluminescence detection, even the lowest levels of microbial ATP can be rapidly intensified to detectable levels.

SMi's 5th Annual Pharmaceutical Microbiology East Coast
The theme for this in-person conference is harnessing existing methods and novel tools in microbial control to assure continuity in product quality and patient safety.

 Find out more 
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