Molecular Diagnostics Clinical Food Safety Testing

Multi-Lab Networks of BIOMIC V3 Microbiology Systems

BIOMIC V3´s can be connected into a local or global laboratory network. This is useful to monitor antibiotic resistance, Quality Control test results, and for the standardization of test formats. A central lab can collect and analyze test results and test images. Multi-lab networks are useful in groups of hospitals and private laboratories, government Ministry of Health laboratory improvement programs, and multi-laboratory studies.

One example of a BIOMIC global network of laboratories is the ARTEMIS drug resistance study sponsored by Pfizer Pharmaceuticals. Since 1997, this program includes 151 hospital labs in 40 countries. Each lab receives yearly BIOMIC software updates, direct service and support, and provides their test and quality control results quarterly via internet to Giles Scientific (California, USA).

BIOMIC V3´s advanced color digital imaging technology automates the reading, interpretation, and reporting of CLSI antibiotic disk diffusion tests, commercial identification panels including RapID™ (Remel), API® (bioMerieux), Crystal™ (BD), and automates colony counting. The addition of a bar code reader and a bi-directional LIS/LIMS interface further speeds workflow. BIOMIC V3 serves as a primary or secondary AST-ID system for microbiology laboratories of all sizes and setups.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Giles Scientific Inc. View Company Information

Posted on March 4, 2009