Molecular Diagnostics Clinical Food Safety Testing

ScreenTape® Enables Fast Quality Control of miRNA qPCR Reactions

The ScreenTape® System, developed by Lab901, employs a unique microscale polymer tape that contains all the reagents required for DNA electrophoresis. It brings major advantages of convenience, ease of use and safety to molecular biologists as absolutely no handling of gels and buffers is required.

The compact, fully automated ScreenTape® instrument replaces the need for hand-cast gels, buffers, gel tanks and gel-doc systems. In just under 10 minutes the system loads the samples, runs the gel, images and presents the fully analysed results (including gel picture, band sizes and an indication of quantitative data).This ensures accuracy, reproducibility and traceability.

The system is fully bar-coded to meet GLP guidelines and data is archived for easy retrieval and comparison.

Quantitative PCR (qPCR) is routinely used to assess miRNA expression levels. Quality control of the reaction by gel electrophoresis confirms the presence of a single product of the correct size. This control can be achieved using ScreenTape, within 10 minutes, providing automated, hands-free analysis without reagent or gel preparation.

Benefits of using ScreenTape for qPCR QC.
Like the dissociation curve analysis, ScreenTape provides the convenience of an automated solution to qPCR QC with the precision and certainty of slab gel analysis. Band sizes are accurately and automatically determined, with minor contaminants being easily identified. ScreenTape offers significant time saving for gel analysis of qPCR reactions, by providing a fully automated, walk-away solution.

ScreenTape electrophoresis is convenient and integrates seamlessly with qPCR analysis. As no reagent preparation is needed and Ethidium Bromide and UV light are eliminated; user-safety is enhanced. The TapeStation instrument is no bigger than a desk-top printer which saves space and keeps the lab bench free of spilt buffers.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Anachem Ltd View Company Information

Posted on March 20, 2008