Molecular Diagnostics Clinical Food Safety Testing

Mast Offers Molecular Biology Based Assays for VTEC

Mast Products for detecting VTEC
With a shigatoxin producing strain of E.coli being identified as the cause of the recent European outbreak of bloody diarrhoea, rapid detection and identification of verotoxin producing E.coli (VTEC) is critical to monitor, control and contain infection.

Mast offers various molecular biology based assays enabling microbiologists in both clinical and food laboratories to reliably detect and identify verotoxin producing E.coli (VTEC).
Seeplex® Diarrhea ACE Detection is a fully automated system for detection and identification of 14 of the most prevalent diarrhoea causing micro-organisms, including 0157 in addition to other VTEC strains of E.coli. Furthermore, the multiplex detection of 10 bacteria and 4 viruses ensures other clinically relevant pathogens are not missed in cases of mixed infection. Capable of high throughputs, the kits have been clinically validated for use directly from faecal samples, enabling results for 100's of specimens to be generated in the same day. In providing an automated solution, the Seegene® Diarrhea ACE detection not only requires minimal expertise and training, but ensures value for money in providing an equipment platform which can also accommodate routine testing for the causative agents of respiratory infections and STI's.

Similarly, the Verotoxin-producing E.coli detection kit from EIKEN CHEMICAL COMPANY Japan, confirms the presence of VTEC in food specimens. Using Loopamp® mediated isothermal amplification, (LAMP) verotoxin related gene sequences can be detected in as little as 60 mins. The use of 4 primers targeting 6 distinct regions of the gene ensures the LAMP reaction is both highly specific and efficient, generating copious amplification products. As a result, detection can be effected either using a realtime turbidimeter, or visually by simply incorporating a fluorescent marker, avoiding the need for any expensive or dedicated instrumentation.

For details on these or any other products within the Mast portfolio, please contact Mast on or complete this form.

NOTE: This item is from our 'historic' database and may contain information which is not up to date.

Source : Mast Group Ltd. View Company Information

Posted on June 13, 2011