Don Whitley Scientific archived news list
go back to news archivesThe most recent items are listed first
- Dws offers ukas accredited calibration and validation service
- Rapid cycling for intelligent autoclaving
- Automatic temperature monitoring of laboratory equipment
- Labguard quality assurance system for lab equipment
- 24 hour listeria environmental testing
- New 10 plate petri dish racks and coloured tags
- New four port anaerobic workstation launched
- New petri dish imaging system
- Don whitey scientific flies high with a thousand wasps
- Don whitley scientific supplies rapid test for campylobacter
- New whitley jar gassing system for anaerobic and microaerobic incubation
- Petri dishes on demand from don whitley scientific
- Don whitley strengthens online video resources
- A85 maximum flexibility to suit your anaerobic workload
- Don whitley to market zisys automated microbiology systems
- Aps one good things come in small packages
- No gloves or sleeves for whitley a35 anaerobic workstation
- Count by colours with protocol2
- Whitley workstation for hypoxia research
- The systec d range for simple safe autoclaving up to 5bar 150 c
- A smashing improvement for laboratory blending
- A new aspect to modern microbiology fully automated inoculating and streaking
- Dws masters automated barcode labelling
- Vertical and benchtop autoclave range for safe precise and reproducible sterilisation
- Automated in transit temperature monitoring of heat sensitive samples
- New workstation for precise oxygen control
- Minimising microbial risks in infant milk formula
- Controlling hypoxic conditions in cancer research
- Leading dermatology centre uses dws equipment to rapidly test new anti microbials
- Easier faster and safer steam sterilisation
- New minimacs takes on anaerobes
- Accupas the worlds first automated streaking system
- Automated antibiotic susceptibility testing from don whitley scientific
- Dws expands ukas calibration service
- Chinese order 21 minimac anaerobic and microaerophilic workstations
- New zone analysis system from don whitley scientific
- Food testing in kazakhstan helped by 14 rabit systems
- Smashing sample preparation
- Interfacing double autoclave doors separate lab areas
- Media preparation made easy
- New microaerophilic gassing system from don whitley scientific
- Don whitley scientific master of perfect media preparation
The above is an archived news list for Don Whitley Scientific
The latest information can be found under Don Whitley Scientific.