January 2005 archived news list
go back to news archives- Esco pcr cabinets for polymerase chain reaction applications
- Msc lims 3 0 demo unveils new features
- Innovative biosensors inc launches ultra sensitive e coli o157 test
- Mycodot continues to provide rapid serological tb testing in japan
- Highly affordable automated petridish filling system
- Microgens monoclonal enhanced legionella test
- Data merging and updated database for dupont qualicon riboprinter system
- Automated colony counters help monitor air quality
- Rapid one step qualitative test for h pylori antigens in stools
- Oxoid h pylori test aids in rapid diagnosis of gastrointestinal disorders
- New oxoid medium speeds up listeria enrichment
- Oxoids anaerogen system aids pioneering research at the eastman dental institute