The InnovaPrep® Concentrating Pipette Select™ (CP Select™) is an automated, bio-concentration device for modern microbiology.
The CP Select uses dead-end filtration with single-use Concentrating Pipette tips to capture microorganisms from the fluid sample matrix.
A novel process called Wet Foam Elution recovers the micro-organisms with the press of a button into an adjustable sample volume of approximately 250 microliters.
The system’s ease-of-use and ability to deliver exceptionally high concentration factors make it an ideal approach for the concentration of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater.
A 10-minute centrifuge spin (or a 0.2 micron prefiltration) followed by an automated 5-minute concentration and sample recovery step with the CP Select allows faster, easier, and better sample preparation than any other method available including HA filters, centrifuge spin ultrafilters, and PEG methods.
Influent limit of detection: 1 copy/ 1mL when processing 100 mL of Wastewater.
Clarified Effluent limit of detection: 5 copies / 100mL when processing 1000 mL of wastewater. (For effluent samples, InnovaPrep Large Volume Concentrator (LVC) Kit item #CC01116-T) is recommended as a first concentration step, in conjunction with the CP Select. LVC Kits are available on the InnovaPrep website.
New Deep Discount on bulk packaged Pipette Tips for wastewater applications - per-sample cost as low as $16.50*. Buy online now!
*Applies to part numbers CC08004-200 and CC0811-200 only.
Note: This content has been edited by a rapidmicrobiology staff writer for style and content.