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8th March 2021  Product update: rapidmicrobiology staff writer

AI Enables Rapid Screening of Companion Pets for Intestinal Parasites

Zoetis has launched Vetscan Imagyst™, a diagnostic platform that uses a combination of image recognition technology, algorithms and cloud-based artificial intelligence (AI) to deliver accurate testing results to the clinic. 

Imagyst’s first indication will be for testing fecal samples for parasites, and it has the potential for broader applications to different types of testing in the future. 

Imagyst was developed to first help veterinarians make accurate and timely point-of-care intestinal parasitic diagnoses for dogs and cats. With deep learning capability powered by artificial intelligence, Imagyst revolutionizes in-clinic fecal testing during the time of visit by giving veterinarians the ability to accurately diagnose patients quickly and treat if necessary.

Intestinal parasites remain a prevalent issue in pets, dependent upon lifestyle and use of preventative medications. According to the Companion Animal Parasite Council (CAPC), the most frequently diagnosed internal parasites are whipworm, hookworm, roundworm, Giardia, and coccidia, which are most commonly diagnosed by fecal examination.

Zoetis developed Imagyst to provide veterinarians with the ability to make fast and accurate diagnoses by automating the fecal examination to detect these internal parasite eggs, cysts, and oocysts.

With test results in hand within nine minutes, veterinarians will now be able to share results with pet owners and provide treatment options during the initial visit, ultimately removing the need for pet owners to return for a second appointment. Screening for intestinal parasites is critical to help protect pet patients and their families from zoonotic risks.

CAPC, an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to increasing awareness of the threat parasites present to pets and family members, recommends fecal testing for dogs and cats at least four times in the first year of life, and then one to two times per year in adults, depending on patient health and lifestyle factors. Now with Vetscan Imagyst, veterinarians are provided easy, actionable, and reliable results during the patient visit.

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Date Published: 8th March 2021

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Note: This content has been edited by a rapidmicrobiology staff writer for style and content.

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