The extraction, preparation, verification, and quantitation of nucleic acids can often require extensive amounts of time, labor, and expense. This is particularly true when handing microorganisms that require advanced biological safety procedures, fastidious culturing conditions, or extensive incubation periods.
To help save you time and money, ATCC has developed a variety of quantitated nucleic acids, including:
- Synthetic nucleic acids – DNA and RNA synthetically manufactured under an ISO 13485:2003 certified process to include key target regions from select bacterial and viral strains
- Genomic nucleic acids – Whole genome preparations aseptically prepared from minimally passaged ATCC Genuine Cultures®
- Certified reference materials – Genomic DNA produced under an ISO Guide 34:2009 accredited process to confirm identity, well-defined characteristics, and an established chain of custody
These materials provide stabilized, authenticated tools for inclusivity/exclusivity testing, establishing limits of detection, and validating or comparing test methods.
Skip in vitro and browse our growing collection of quantitated nucleic acids today! For additional information on ATCC® Genuine Nucleics, visit us online.