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10th June 2019  Content supplied by: Mobidiag Oy (HQ)

Automobi Will Commericalise Mobidiag's Novodiag® Platform in China

Mobidiag Ltd. has launched Automobi Molecular Diagnostics Co., Ltd, which is a joint venture between Mobidiag and Autobio Diagnostics, one of the leading clinical diagnostics companies in China.

Automobi will be responsible for commercialising Mobidiag's Novodiag® platform and selected infectious disease assays in the Greater China territory. The Novodiag® platform combines real-time PCR and microarray technologies, for fully automated, direct  detection of infectious diseases, including antibiotic resistances from samples placed in a disposable cartridge. It also allows for comprehensive screening of multiple or single pathogens within approximately one hour.

Automobi’s initial activities will include the registration of the Novodiag® platform and first assays with the National Medical Products Administration (NMPA, former CFDA). Automobi will also establish local facilities in China to manufacture certain Novodiag® components and disposables, for the Greater China territory.

As previously announced in December 2018, Mobidiag and Autobio jointly agreed to invest €12.3m to establish Automobi in China. Autobio is investing €8m in cash to hold 65%, and Mobidiag is investing €4.3m to hold 35%. Under the terms of the partnership, Automobi acquired an exclusive license from Mobidiag to commercialise the Novodiag® platform and selected human infectious disease assays (excluding sepsis) for China.

In December 2018, Autobio invested €10m in Mobidiag. These funds are being used to grow the Company’s product portfolio, accelerate the development of further assays for the Novodiag® system and enhance its manufacturing capabilities, as well as to further facilitate Mobidiag’s commercial expansion.

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Date Published: 10th June 2019

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