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10th September 2019  Product update: rapidmicrobiology staff writer

CE Certification for DISQVER® - Automated Relevance-Based Detection of Blood Stream Infections

Noscendo GmbH have successfully completed the development of its proprietary diagnostic platform DISQVER® and have obtained CE certification as the first key milestone since the seed financing in October 2018. Noscendo’s platform detects bacteria, fungi, DNA viruses and parasites in the patient’s bloodstream on the basis of next-generation sequencing (NGS) and uses proprietary algorithms to assess the corresponding pathogen relevance.

Following the successful product development and CE certification, pilot testing with eight maximum care hospitals throughout Germany confirmed the benefits of Noscendo’s platform with regards to the identification of primary pathogens across multiple pathogen classes.

“DISQVER® testing has identified pathogens relevant for treatment especially in the case of pathogens that are difficult to cultivate and in the case of patients with prior antibiotic treatment. Going on from this, we expect to improve patient management and have an even more target-oriented antibiotic treatment”, said Dr. Axel Prause, senior physician for anaesthesiology, intensive care, emergency care and pain treatment, summarizing the application results of this innovative pathogen test at Asklepios Hospital Hamburg-Altona.

In addition to intensive care patients with existing bloodstream infections such as endocarditis and sepsis, DISQVER® was applied to patient cohorts in adult and paediatric oncology, haemato-oncology and organ transplantations.


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Date Published: 10th September 2019

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Note: This content has been edited by a rapidmicrobiology staff writer for style and content.

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