Check-Sample-Survey Provides Valuable Insights into Test Effectiveness and Accuracy

Romer CSSThe latest Check-Sample-Survey (CSS) organized by Romer Labs® as part of its extensive service offering encountered great interest and provided valuable insights into test effectiveness and accuracy.

The purpose of this study was to offer a platform for industry labs, service labs and manufacturing sites, that perform mycotoxin analysis on a routine basis, to assess the effectiveness and accuracy of their test methods as part of their internal analytical quality management.

“The recently finished CSS for Deoxynivalenol in corn was one of the biggest surveys until now. Our objective was to provide an inter-laboratory comparison study for mycotoxin analysis. The response rate of 70% with more than 150 participants from 28 countries all over the world confirms yet again the great market interest in such studies and encourages us further in our efforts to provide the best service for our customers and partners,” said Sonja Steininger, Technical Support Manager with Romer Labs in Austria.

From all participants, 62% came from the food and feed sector while 31% from research institutes and service laboratories. The specific analysis method was up to the participating laboratory and resulted in 85 participants using ELISA, 54 HPLC (with different detection systems like MS, MSMS and UV/Vis) one GC-ECD, ten LFD and one participant using TLC.

Deoxynivalenol (DON) is a mycotoxin produced by fungi of the Fusarium genus, particularly Fusarium graminearum. This mycotoxin occurs in grains such as wheat, barley, oats, rye and corn. DON is highly toxic with levels above 1 ppm being considered potentially harmful to swine. Pet foods prepared with corn contaminated with DON have been involved in acute toxicities. DON is a known immunosuppressant and may cause kidney problems. Humans are thought to exhibit a similar vomiting syndrome when consuming DON contaminated grains.

Upcoming CSS

Later this year, Romer Labs® will offer a second mycotoxin Check-Sample-Survey for aflatoxins in corn (October to December 2015).