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6th March 2025  Content supplied by: Cherwell Laboratories Ltd

Cherwell Supports Microbiological Environmental Monitoring Best Practices Conference

Cherwell, cleanroom microbiology solutions expert, will be exhibiting at Pharmig’s Best Practices in Environmental Monitoring conference on 19th March 2025 at Nailcote Hall Hotel near Coventry. As a leading supplier of prepared microbiological media and environmental monitoring (EM) instrumentation for the pharmaceutical and related industries, Cherwell will be well placed at this event to offer valuable insight into assessing sterility in pharmaceutical manufacturing facilities.

Pharmig’s specialist conference for individuals involved with microbiology in the pharmaceutical, healthcare, and cosmetics industries will provide learning and discussion around the challenges and best practices in microbiological EM.

Topics to be covered include:

  • EM and what GMP Annex 1 requires
  • the basics for an effective EM programme
  • understanding microflora and contamination sources
  • how to best manage EM data and trend analysis
  • and continuous microbial monitoring for continuous manufacturing

Reflecting on these EM topic areas, Cherwell microbiology experts Tom Parkhill and Yoggya De Silva will be available to demonstrate Cherwell’s extensive portfolio, which provides solutions to support EM best practices. This offers a combination of continuous monitoring, active air sampling, and passive sampling options, together with accessories to ensure precise data collection.

For example, the Redipor® BetaBag was launched by Cherwell to support continuous manufacturing by simplifying sterile workflows during EM programmes. This multiple-use sterile media product transfer bag can reduce risk, cost, and time, as it eliminates the time-consuming decontamination stage required during the standard transfer process of plated media into a sterile workspace for EM.

At the Pharmig conference, Cherwell will also showcase a wide selection of other quality-assured Redipor prepared media solutions, including its new Redipor Plastic Bottle prepared media manufactured at Cherwell’s ISO 9001 certified facilities in Bicester. Additionally, Cherwell will feature its full air sampler portfolio, including SAS microbial samplers for reliable, cost-efficient active air sampling, alongside BAMS for continuous monitoring. All offer opportunities for demonstrations and discussions on selecting the most suitable sampling solutions for specific EM programs.

We look forward to supporting delegates at this event by advising on the best combinations of solutions for individual needs and EM programmes,” said Yoggya De Silva, Microbiology Product Specialist, Cherwell. “We can also discuss our expertise in providing tailor-made solutions, from a relatively straightforward request, perhaps for an existing product in a new media fill volume or packaging variant, to more complex requests for products requiring the use of new formulations.”

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Date Published: 6th March 2025

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