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6th August 2024  Content supplied by: Novogene Co., Ltd.

Comprehensive Genomic Solutions: Identify Your Microbial Samples with Novogene

Uncertain about Your Microbe?
To fully exploit and commercialize microbes' unique potential, researchers rely on advanced genome sequencing to unravel the genetic blueprints of entire microbial populations. This enables the identification of crucial genes and the understanding of complex bacterial communities.

If you've isolated a bacterial or fungal strain but are unsure of its identity, microbial whole genome sequencing (WGS) is the ideal starting point. Traditionally performed using short-read sequencing (e.g., Illumina), WGS excels in studying individual genes and genetic variations within strains by comparing them to reference genomes.


Why Choose De novo Sequencing?
When sequencing a novel organism without a reference genome, de novo sequencing is indispensable. This approach creates a new reference sequence from scratch.


  • Uncover the unknown: Explore the genetic makeup of entirely new organisms.
  • Precise assembly: Accurately reconstruct complex genomic regions.
  • Comprehensive analysis: Identify structural variations and genetic rearrangements.

Novogene's Expertise

With over nine years of experience and a track record of processing over 25,000 bacterial samples for more than 1,920 institutions worldwide, Novogene is a leader in microbial genome sequencing. We harness the power of both short- and long-read sequencing technologies (Illumina, PacBio, Oxford Nanopore) to offer tailored de novo sequencing pipelines:
  • Draft Map: Utilizes Illumina short reads for preliminary assembly.
  • Bacteria Complete Map/Fungus Fine Map: Leverages 100X PacBio long reads for fine assembly and 50X Illumina for correction and polishing.

Our advanced assembly strategies are specifically designed to tackle the complexities of bacterial or fungal genomes, delivering comprehensive genome maps.

Ready to unlock the potential of your microbe? Use the Request Information button below to connect directly with Novogene. 

Discover the latest insights in microbial genomic research with our new eBook on long-read sequencing applications!

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Date Published: 6th August 2024

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