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5th January 2015  Content supplied by: Copan Diagnostics

COPAN Release a Series of Free Educational Videos

With flu season in full swing, COPAN Diagnostics, Inc. have announced the launch of the first in a series of free educational videos, as part of COPAN’s ongoing commitment to demonstrate best practices for specimen collection. The first video in the series features nasopharyngeal swab specimen collection using Nylon flocked swabs and viral transport media (FLOQSwabs™ and UTM™).

The videos were produced in partnership with Dr. J. Michael Miller, Director of Microbiology Technical Services, a private consulting firm for diagnostic laboratories. Dr. Miller spent 35 years with the Center for Disease Control (CDC), and he has had a long term interest in specimen management and clinical relevance. He has authored numerous publications on the topic of proper specimen collection, including A Guide to Specimen Management in Clinical Microbiology, published by American Society for Microbiology Press. Dr. Miller established and currently manages ClinMicroNet, the largest international listserv for microbiology laboratory directors, and he is the co-founder of DivC Net listserv for clinical microbiologists.

The goal of the video series is to provide accessible and informative learning tools to help healthcare providers collect adequate and accurate patient specimen samples. “In microbiology, we know that the pre-analytical component of testing that includes specimen selection, collection, transport, and storage is critical for the accurate analytical component of the testing where a laboratory diagnosis is derived. I was so pleased when COPAN suggested a video series that addresses this pre-analytical component,” said Dr. Miller.

COPAN understands the importance of a properly collected sample, and it believes education in specimen collection in the pre-analytical phase of Microbiology is critical to ensure the best patient results. To achieve the goal of providing valuable educational tools, COPAN often partners with experts in the industry, such as Dr. Miller.

“Specimen collection is sometimes overlooked as a critical and often life-saving component of patient care. Correct techniques must be learned and carried out properly. Without a specimen that has been appropriately selected, collected, and transported, the microbiology laboratory can provide little value to patient care and the results of analysis on a poor specimen could lead to erroneous diagnosis and inappropriate therapy. This free video series will provide valuable demonstrations for medical and nursing staff who are tasked with collecting a specimen,” concluded Dr. Miller.

The launch of this first video on nasopharyngeal collection is part of a series which will include: • Tools of the trade – discussion of collection systems • Nasal collection with standard and mid turbinate swab • Throat collection • Wound collection • Eye collection • Urethral collection • Vaginal collection • Ear specimen collection • Clean catch urine collection

To view the video, click to Visit COPAN’s website or email to receive alerts as new videos are launched.

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Date Published: 5th January 2015

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