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23rd April 2015  Content supplied by: Copan

COPAN Releases Wound Sample Collection Video

COPAN Diagnostics, a company committed to new innovations and education in the field of preanalytics, have announced the release of the second in a series of free educational videos intended to demonstrate best practices for specimen collection. On the heels of the success of the first video in the series, nasopharyngeal swab sample collection, this week COPAN will launch the video featuring wound collection using ESwab™.

ESwab™ comprises of 1 mL of Liquid Amies and a FLOQSwab™ and is a universal liquid based, multipurpose, collection and preservation system that maintains viability of aerobic, anaerobic and fastidious bacteria for up to 48 hours at refrigerator and room temperature.

This and all of the videos in the series were produced in partnership with Dr. J. Michael Miller, Director of Microbiology Technical Services, a private consulting service for diagnostic labs. Dr. Miller previously spent 35 years with the Center for Disease Control (CDC), where his focus was specimen management and clinical relevance. He has authored numerous publications on the topic of proper specimen collection including A Guide to Specimen Management in Clinical Microbiology, published by American Society for Microbiology Press. Dr. Miller has also established and currently manages ClinMicroNet, the largest international listserv for microbiology laboratory directors, and he is the co-founder of DivC Net listserv for clinical microbiologists.

The wound collection video was filmed at the Beaufort Memorial Wound Center in Beaufort, South Carolina.

“We were so pleased when Beaufort Memorial agreed to allow us to film specimen collection from actual wounds. This is such a unique opportunity which allows us to demonstrate the collection of a very challenging sample. We are extremely thankful for the team at Beaufort and the patients for their willingness to participate,” said Dr. Miller.

Wound specimen collection offers some unique challenges for the preanalytical and analytical components of the workup. It is important for point-of-care providers to indicate the body site and type of wound and to use proper techniques and tools.

“As we state in the video, the preferred specimen of choice remains a sample of the tissue, however if a swab is used to collect, we must choose the best type of swab and the specimen of choice is always the advancing margin of the lesion. I was appreciative to COPAN for their wiliness to create videos of sample collection where we would prefer not to receive a swab. This shows their commitment to education in the field. The video series will provide valuable demonstrations for medical and nursing staff who are tasked with collecting a specimen,” concluded Dr. Miller.

The wound collection video is part of a series which includes: • Tools of the Trade – Discussion of collection systems • Nasopharyngeal collection • Nasal collection with standard and mid turbinate swab • Throat collection • Eye collection • Urethral collection • Vaginal collection • Ear specimen collection • Clean catch urine collection

Visit COPAN’s website or email to receive alerts as new videos are launched. Please note that due to the graphic nature of wound collection, viewer discretion is advised.

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Date Published: 23rd April 2015

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