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2nd November 2020  Product update: rapidmicrobiology staff writer

CRISPR-based COVID-19 Assay Becomes High-Throughput Turnkey Solution to Pandemic

Mammoth Biosciences has signed agreements with MilliporeSigma and Hamilton Company targeting commercialization of a high-throughput CRISPR-based SARS-CoV-2 test.

The test leverages Mammoth’s DETECTR BOOST™ platform and will provide a sample-to-answer turnkey solution for commercial laboratories to enable a multi-fold increase in testing capacity. 

The high-throughput systems will be compatible with both nasal swab and saliva samples and are targeting 1500 tests per 8-hour shift with minimal user interaction. Mammoth Biosciences plans to submit the assay for FDA Emergency Use Authorization later this year.

Mammoth’s DETECTR BOOST™ SARS-CoV-2 assay reagent kits, which will be contract manufactured by MilliporeSigma, rival PCR in sensitivity while being less prone to supply chain risk.

The testing system will also leverage standard, automated liquid handling equipment such as those from Hamilton Company to enable rapid processing of patient samples. By implementing this unique offering, CLIA laboratories will be able to significantly improve their capacity to regularly test communities and businesses in need. 

“This collaboration will allow us to help Mammoth with the development and production of their new SARS-CoV-2 test, which, once approved by the FDA, will increase testing capacity here in the U.S. at the scale needed to combat this pandemic,” said Jean-Charles Wirth, head of Applied Solutions at MilliporeSigma.

The announcement comes after Mammoth secured a contract from the National Institute of Health’s RADx program to scale its high-throughput CRISPR-based testing workflow. 

Those individuals or CLIA laboratories interested in learning more about the Mammoth high-throughput CRISPR-based SARS CoV-2 platform should click here or contact Mammoth Biosciences rapidly via the 'Request Information' button provided below.

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Date Published: 2nd November 2020

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Note: This content has been edited by a rapidmicrobiology staff writer for style and content.

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