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3rd March 2014  Content supplied by: EMSL

EMSL Buys a VITEK@MS MALDI TOF for Rapid Pathogen Identification

EMSL Analytical, Inc. has purchased a bioMerieux VITEK@MS MALDI TOF (Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectroscopy). The technology uses charged molecular signatures for rapid identification of pathogens. It is particularly useful for the identification of pathogenic bacteria, molds and yeasts using a library of over 25,000 spectra for clinically relevant micro-organisms.

“Identification can be accomplished in a matter of minutes after culturing the organisms,” said Diane Miskowski, MPH, Business Development Manager of EMSL Analytical, Inc. “This technology provides exceptional speed and accuracy over traditional biochemical and gas chromatographic identification techniques and is well suited to high-throughput laboratories.”

EMSL is currently validating the equipment for the identification of pathogens in pharmaceutical products.

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Date Published: 3rd March 2014

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