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26th March 2020  Content supplied by: Promicol B.V.

Food Manufacturers Can Reduce Time-to-result with Promicol ATP Bioluminescence Rapid Testing

Are you a producer of food or beverages and find that testing of your finished products is time-consuming? Is there a significant time lag between the end of production and the release of a product? Due to COVID-19, has production of heat-treated products increased, putting stresses on your QC procedures even more than normal while having less staff available? Does your current QC method require a lot of hands-on time? Are huge storage facilities required to keep finished products in stock until QC allows release? 

This is not necessary! Just switch to the Promicol® method, improving the reliability of your quality control and making it more efficient! You will immediately reduce time-to-result, hands-on time as well as labour costs and storage facilities while increasing cash flow. 

Promicol ATP Bioluminescence Rapid Testing can be applied to a wide variety of foods ranging from dairy to soya products, beverages, infant food, soups, and sauces - to name only a few categories. Colour and texture of the food has no influence on the testing procedure. Thus, all companies producing sterile products can profit from the benefits of the Promicol method. It doesn’t matter if you produce just one type of product or several products differing from each other significantly.

Based on many years of experience in the development and manufacturing of ATP Bioluminescence technology, Promicol offers solutions for a wide range of applications ensuring suitability for a huge variety of products while keeping the procedures required simple. 

One technology, one instrument, many different applications!

The Promicol method is based on microbial ATP detection in sterile products. The specially designed Promicol reagents ensure that microbial contamination of food products is accurately detected by converting the microbial ATP to light in a specific reaction chain. All ATP from other sources like dead cells or plant or animal cells (somatic cells) is specifically removed in the process so that finally only microbial ATP is detected. Products tested with Promicol ATP Bioluminescence Rapid Testing generally do not require a special sample preparation. The product is pre-incubated in original packages, according to the test procedures available for different matrices, and directly sampled for analysis. Depending on the food matrix results are available already after approximately 25 - 40 minutes testing up to 100 pre-incubated samples.

Implementation of the Promicol method is independent of the size of your facility as well as the number of tests performed per day. Promicol provides different solutions to suit the needs of our customers. Therefore, solutions are available for both small and large throughput requirements by offering different instruments ranging from 20 samples per day up to 400 samples per hour. In addition to that, our modular robotic systems enable automatisation of single steps as well as the complete procedure to increase efficiency and ensure traceability of the method.

As well as providing instrumentation, reagents and specific software, Promicol offers outstanding technical support in our ability to develop reagents specific for your products. We, at Promicol believe, that only a close relationship with our customers can result in a perfect customer solution. To build a long-lasting relationship it is imperative to build trust, exchange expertise and increase innovation. We want to make ATP work for you, together with you.

You are interested in learning more about the Promicol method and implementing it at your facility? No problem; let the others wait, for the results of traditional microbiology, up to 5 days longer while you improve your market position. 

Just contact Promicol and together we will find your tailored solution. We are awaiting your request. Even in these difficult days, Promicol employees are doing their best, every day, to keep on supplying the food chain with good and rapid test methods for food safety. 

We try to stay healthy and hope you do too! Take care.

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Date Published: 26th March 2020

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