Guarantee Your Results for E. coli and Coliforms in Drinking Water

One of the parameters most often analyzed in drinking waters is the Escherichia coli/coliforms indicator. The purpose of the analysis in drinking water is based on using the presence of this group of microorganisms to determine the potential pathogenicity present in the sample.

Coliforms are ubiquitous bacteria easy to grow in the environment that do not usually cause severe disease, so their presence and quantity can be used as an indicator of other potentially pathogenic organisms of fecal origin that may be present in the sample.

Today, as regulation dictates, it is also necessary to analyze the presence of E. coli in drinking water -apart from the fact that some pathogenic strains can be found within this species - given its limited survival in non-enteric environments, therefore its presence could suggest that the contamination is of recent origin to enable the development of more efficient action plans.

CondaChrome®CCA is a solution within everyone's reach

  • Observe the results in just 24h
  • Formulated according to ISO 9308-1:2004, no difficulties in incorporating it if you already have an accredited method
  • Simultaneous detection of both coliforms and Escherichia coli in the same plate
  • Colonies differentiation due to the pigmentation presented: coliforms growth in pink and Escherichia coli growth in dark blue or purple

If you need more information about the implementation of the method ISO 9308-1:2004 or want to know more about our CondaChrome® range of products to deliver faster results, please use the Request Information button below to email us.