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14th January 2013  Content supplied by: Vircell

ID of 19 Mycobacteria Species in Quick and Simple Molecular Detection

MYCOBACTERIA Vircell have extended the number of species detected by Speed-oligo® MYCOBACTERIA.

Vircell have improved their Speed-oligo® MYCOBACTERIA (ref. SP005), an oligochromatographic multitest that, with a simple protocol, gives  fast, qualitative detection of Mycobacterium genus and the 19 most frequently isolated species in culture samples.

M. tuberculosis complex (M. tuberculosis, M. bovis, M. microti, M. africanum, M. caprae)

Identification to the species level of 14 additional mycobacterial species: M. abscessus, M. avium, M. chelonae, M. fortuitum, M. gordonae, M. interjectum, M. intracellulare, M. kansasii, M. malmoense, M. marinum/M. ulcerans, M. peregrinum, M. scrofulaceum, M. xenopi The strip includes 2 control lines (product and amplification), 1 test line for Mycobacterium genus and 10 test lines. This combination gives identification to the species level by referring to the chart that appears in the instructions for use. Speed-oligo® is a fast and easy technique that combines all the advantages of molecular biology with a rapid detection. Results are obtained in approximately 90 minutes (after PCR result is obtained in 10 minutes) and it avoids the use of toxic substances.

The protocol is easy to perform and the results can be visually or automatically read, using a scanner and special software.

The Speed-oligo® MYCOBACTERIA includes the reagents necessary to perform the DNA extraction from the isolate and the PCR mix is already prepared in lyophilized presentation, which makes storage and transport of the product easier.

The equipment needed for the technique is minimal, since only a thermocycler and a thermoblock are necessary to perform the technique.

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Date Published: 14th January 2013

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