Tackling Severe Dise...
The First ISO 16140-...
19th October 2022 Content supplied by: IUL S.A.
iPeak®, Open-System Lateral Flow Reader to Detect Low Positives
Once again, IUL will be attending the Medica Trade Fair this year, one of the leading medical technological exhibitions in the world, to present their readers for Lateral Flow Assays.
IUL’s lateral flow readers stand out by their:
- Sensitivity: detecting even the very low positives.
- Connectivity: connect the readers to your LIS, HIS, Cloud, or middleware in a cybersecure way.
- Adaptability to different tests: each iPeak® tray is customized to perfectly accommodate the exact shape of the test.
- OEM projects with unbeatable time-to-market; from prototype to large-scale manufacturing.
Why use a reader for a colorimetric test?
As you can see the line with the naked eye, it’s fair to ask oneself: why use a reader if my eyes can see the line? Studies show that vision worsens with age and that men and women don´t have the same visual acuity. Therefore, too many human factors prevent the operator from getting objective results.
Let’s take the example of the very low positive results. Only a sensitive reader can obtain clear results and avoid the frequent false-negative cases that occur due to human error. Obtaining quantitative results is not possible for an operator, these can only be achieved using a reader.
What about my fluorescence rapid tests?
Known and chosen for its sensibility by its many users worldwide, the iPeak® Europium is IUL´s newest reader in the market. Some of its benefits are:
- Read multiple test lines in up to two strips in the same test.
- Open-system: adapt the reader to your test.
- Quantify the concentration of your analyte over a wide dynamic range.
- Built-in internal temperature sensor to monitor test running conditions. A key factor due to its influence on fluorescence that is often overlooked.
Got a private label or OEM project?
Rely on IUL extensive experience for your project. Many partners are already using iPeak® technology. IUL is the manufacturer of OEM readers not only for IVD medical use, but also for veterinary diagnostics, allergen testing in food, and quality control in industry.
IUL is a manufacturer based in Barcelona, Spain. iPeak® readers are IVD CE marked, ISO13485, and FDA listed.
Ask now for a demo of the iPeak® at the Medica Trade Fair in booth Hall 3, C/25 or use the Request Information button below to contact the supplier.
Date Published: 19th October 2022
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Tackling Severe Disease with INTEGRA
The First ISO 16140-2 Validated