Charles River guide to USP chapter 86 for bacterial endotoxin testing

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28th January 2020  Content supplied by: Bertin Technologies

Lyse in 1-minute with Bertin's Homogenizer to Obtain an Unbiased Look at the Microbiome

The full microbiome of a tick is not something that one sits around thinking of as it is only the one or two, Lyme disease-causing bacteria that they harbour that are of more concern. But what if this project, or a project like this, landed on your desk, where would you start? A one-stop shop is what you need. Bertin Technologies in collaboration with Zymo Research Corp. has released a microbial DNA extraction workflow using the Precellys® Evolution bead-beating homogenizer and the ZymoBIOMICS DNA Miniprep Kit. As part of this collaboration, Zymo Research Corp. has validated the microbial lysing protocol via their ZymoBIOMICS Microbial Community Standard. This validation illustrates how the Precellys® Evolution homogenizer can achieve complete, uniform, and unbiased cell lysis in only 1 minute. 

This white paper shows how robust cell-lysing protocols with Precellys® Evolution ensure accurate downstream microbiome measurements, including microbiome profiling via Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) techniques. It demonstrates how the scientific community is improving protocols that are fundamental in our understanding of the microbiome.

To download the whitepaper visit:


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Date Published: 28th January 2020

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