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24th November 2014  Content supplied by: Elsevier Store

Molecular Medical Microbiology Reference Book

An essential addition to any academic and research library or laboratory, Elsevier has recently published the second edition of the three-volume reference book Molecular Medical Microbiology edited by Drs. Yi-Wei Tang, Max Sussman, Ian Poxton, Dongyou Liu and Joseph Schwartzman. It is the first book to synthesize the many new developments in both molecular and clinical research into a single comprehensive resource.

Written by an international panel of authors who are experts in their respective disciplines, the new edition of Molecular Medical Microbiology presents a timely discussion of individual pathogenic bacteria in a system-oriented approach. Chapters include cutting-edge information and clinical overviews for each major bacterial group, in addition to the latest updates on vaccine development, molecular technology and diagnostic technology. Lead editor Dr. Tang is the Chief of the Clinical Microbiology Service at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center in New York. He is an Editor for the Journal of Clinical Microbiology, an Associate Editor for Elsevier's Journal of Molecular Diagnostics, and a Fellow of the American Academy for Microbiology and of the Infectious Disease Society of America.

Molecular Medical Microbiology, 3-Volume Set, Second Edition by Yi-Wei Tang, Max Sussman, Ian Poxton, Dongyou Liu and Joseph Schwartzman.

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Date Published: 24th November 2014