New Book on Culture Media for Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Manufacturers

Microbiological Culture Media: A Complete Guide for Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Manfacturers

Taking into account that 90 percent of quality control microbiology remains reliant upon culture based methods, this new book by Tim Sandle - Microbiological Culture Media: A Complete Guide for Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Manufacturers serves as an excellent reference because it focuses on microbiological culture media as applied to pharmaceutical microbiology.

This book takes into consideration that innovations continue to arise with new media recipes that are formulated for the selection of new strains for the application of media in conjunction with rapid microbiological methods. In 23 chapters, the book covers how media is used in the modern pharmaceutical microbiology setting and recaps the past, signals the future, and helps interpret the present.

For more details and to order visit the PDA Bookstore - use campaign code MBCM for 15% discount before 15 Dec.