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30th June 2015  Content supplied by: Charm Sciences Inc.

Peel Plate® for Coliforms/E.coli Awarded AOAC-RI PTM

Peel Plate Coliforms/E.coliCharm Sciences, Inc. have announce its new Peel Plate® traditional microbial tests for coliforms/E.coli detection in dairy products, food products, contact surfaces and water.

“Many of our customers requested that we expand into the traditional microbial count market to verify their sanitation and hygiene practices and to monitor and improve food product shelf life,” said Bob Salter, Vice President of Regulatory Affairs for Charm Sciences. “We are improving on many of the current simple-to-use microbial test products by providing a ready-to-use platform that is self-wicking, stackable, resistant to sample pH/disinfectant effects. The Charm Peel Plate tests are simple to interpret and specific without the need to confirm, but will allow traditional picking of colonies for additional microbial isolation, testing and identification.”

The Peel Plate EC (E. coli/coliform) test has just been awarded Performance Test Method Status 061501 by AOAC Research Institute for total coliform in dairy products tested at 32°C and for E. coli and coliform detection in water, surface rinses and foods such as ground meat, eggs, chocolate and dry dog food tested at 35 °C.

Based on additional multi-laboratory reference method comparative data, the Peel Plate EC test and the Peel Plate AC test (aerobic count) were voted by the National Conference on Interstate Milk Shipments (NCIMS) for inclusion into its Pasteurized Milk Ordinance.

For more information about the Charm Peel Plate platform of tests, visit

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Date Published: 30th June 2015

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