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27th November 2017 Content supplied by: PROMICOL
PROMILITE M1® - Microbial ATP Testing Made Affordable

Promicol provides a rapid test method for monitoring microbial contamination in different kinds of products from the food, beverage or cosmetic industry. The method is based on detection of microbial ATP which is present in all living microorganisms and can be used for sterility screening of a wide range of different sample types such as UHT and ESL dairy products, fruit juices, infant food, alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, soups and sauces, soya and cereal based products as well as a huge variety of cosmetic products.
One of Promicol's unique instruments is the PROMILITE M1. It was designed to make the Promicol method affordable even for small companies having just a low number of samples per day. In this way those customers can benefit from the huge advantages of the Promicol method and services while being extremely cost effective.
The PROMILITE M1 is a compact tube luminometer and can be used to screen all different kinds of food, beverage and personal care products for sterility. Up to 10 samples can be analyzed during one measurement and the highly sensitive, low noise, single photon counting photomultiplier ensures the method has the highest sensitivity. Depending on the application different instrument setups are available providing the highest flexibility to meet your requirements. The PROMILITE M1 instrument is operated by specifically designed proprietary software thus ensuring reliability and independency of the total system.
Features and Benefits of the PROMILITE M1 include:
• Intelligent reagent tracking • Minimized reagent usage during priming • Up to 10 samples per measurement • High sensitivity • Embedded or external computer possible • Flexible setup depending on application • Injectors and/or shaker are easy to change • QQQ tools for quality control of the instrument • Low price
More information can be found on
Date Published: 27th November 2017
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