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14th November 2023  Content supplied by: various sources as indicated

Rapid Microbiological Methods for Water Testing - a rapidmicrobiology Special Focus

Microbiological testing of water is crucial for ensuring its safety and quality, whether that is endotoxin or sterility testing of Water for Injection (WFI), E.coli, or Enterococci in potable or Legionella in cooling tower water. Even enumeration of coliphages can be easily achieved.

Several new technologies have emerged in recent years to improve the efficiency and accuracy of these tests. These normally involve some automation of the testing process and may also involve novel approaches using molecular diagnostic technologies. Explore some of the latest options In this rapidmicrobiology special focus on rapid microbial methods (RMM) for water.

Traditional methods for monitoring microbial water quality, such as measuring indicator bacteria like fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, and Enterococci, are still widely used. SGL can supply high-quality culture media (ISO/IEC 17025) plus for Legionella testing their GVPC agar (ISO 11731 compliant) has a 6-month shelf life.  Bio-rad offer a handy Water Safety and Quality Reference Guide to download, showcasing both their range of traditional chromogenic media and real-time PCR options for water testing with 'at-a-glance' easy-to-understand workflows for alternative and standard methodologies.

Diamidex MICA is a high-end micro colony counter that offers a range of testing parameters including Legionella, Pseudomonas, and bioburden with an E.coli option coming soon. Using a fusion of online biosensors and traditional culture-based techniques, the MICA can achieve 250 analyses per 8-hour shift with results reported in CFU.

Discover applications for automated cytometry-based SCAN RDI and Red One such as sterility testing of Water for Injection (WFI), bioburden, Direct Viable Counts (DVC), and even E.coli

FujiFilm Wako PYROSTAR™ Neo offers a sensitive and specific assay for endotoxin in WFI, using reagents that are 100% free of horseshoe crab blood.

Get actionable same-day results for somatic coliphage counts using the Bluephage ENUMERA kit, which only needs 20 minutes of hands-on time. Also for virus detection, the PREvalence ddPCR SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Quantification Kit includes all reagents needed to detect the virus in wastewater and automated analysis software. 

Need to test outside of a lab or 'out of hours' the Tecta® recently acquired by IDEXX is a complete, self-contained system, providing rapid evidence of bacterial contamination, either within or outside of a traditional laboratory setting.

Ensure your Water Quality with Bio-Rad Innovative Solutions

Ensure your Water Quality with Bio-Rad Innovative Solutions

NEW: Download Bio-Rad Laboratories comprehensive Water Safety and Quality Reference Guide here to learn more about innovative and alternative methods based on new technologies such as chromogenic media and real-time PCR.
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High-quality Culture Media for Water Testing from SGL

High-quality Culture Media for Water Testing from SGL

SGL is one of the largest providers of pre-poured microbiological culture media for all applications in water testing. This ranges from from estimation of overall numbers of culturable micro-organisms to detection of waterborne contamination, including the specific isolation of Legionella pneumophilia.
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The Crucial Role of a Rapid Sterility Test in Enhancing Water Analysis

The Crucial Role of a Rapid Sterility Test in Enhancing Water Analysis

Using SCANRDI® for testing Water for Injection (WFI) enables faster results and early contamination detection, enhanced sensitivity, and reduced human error, ultimately improving the reliability and efficiency of pharmaceutical manufacturing processes.
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Safeguarding of Water for Injection

Safeguarding of Water for Injection

The presence of endotoxin in sterile pharmaceutical products presents a significant risk to patients. In 1984, five USP water products were given specific bacterial endotoxin limits. 100% free of horseshoe crab blood, PYROSTAR™ Neo is a reagent capable of measuring endotoxin content with high accuracy.
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PREvalence ddPCR SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Quantification Kit Contributes to Public Health

PREvalence ddPCR SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Quantification Kit Contributes to Public Health

Bio-Rad's PREvalence ddPCR SARS-CoV-2 Wastewater Quantification Kit provides reproducible, quantitative results in wastewater testing for SARS-CoV-2, the virus caused by COVID-19. 
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Bluephage Launches ENUMERA Rapid Quantitative Kit BPF-SE

Bluephage Launches ENUMERA Rapid Quantitative Kit BPF-SE

Cutting-edge technology for rapid waterborne pathogen detection and risk assessment. This quantitative rapid detection kit is designed for the specific detection and enumeration of somatic coliphages at 1 PFU/100mL, applicable to all kinds of water and shellfish extracts, sediments, and sludge.
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Revolutionizing Microbiological Water Testing: MICA’s Pioneering Solutions  

Revolutionizing Microbiological Water Testing: MICA’s Pioneering Solutions  

Get fast CFUs of culturable microorganisms with the easy-to-use automated MICA microcolony counters by Diamidex, unmatched optical resolution combined with revolutionary tagging technology can achieve a reduction in incubation time of between 40% and 80%.
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Red One™: Rapid Water Quality Indicators for Waters
(Drinking, Pharma, Swimming)

Red One™: Rapid Water Quality Indicators for Waters </br>(Drinking, Pharma, Swimming)

Redberry offers the fastest microbiological monitoring solutions for accurate testing of waters:from 10-minute real-time analysis for viable cell count (down to a few cells) to same-day results for specific E. coli. quantification.
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IDEXX Tecta®: Testing Anytime, Anywhere, by Anyone

IDEXX Tecta<sup>®</sup>: Testing Anytime, Anywhere, by Anyone

IDEXX Water provides multiple rapid microbiological testing solutions to identify water contamination, including Tecta®, a complete, self-contained system, that provides automated detection of total coliforms, E. coli, and enterococci.
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Easy Non-PCR Molecular Screening for Contaminant Microorganisms

Easy Non-PCR Molecular Screening for Contaminant Microorganisms

The HybriScan® system uses sandwich hybridization to accurately detect microbe-specific rRNA. The signal is triggered optically by an enzyme-generated color change. Test results for contaminant microorganisms are available after only 2 hours, without the need for expensive PCR equipment.
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EN ISO 7704:2023 Compliant Membranes, Culture Media and Accessories

EN ISO 7704:2023 Compliant Membranes, Culture Media and Accessories

Laboratories that test water samples for microbial contaminants must ensure that they comply with the new EN ISO 7704:2023 standard when using membrane filtration for direct enumeration by culturing methods. Fully compliant membranes, culture media and accessories are now available.
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Date Published: 14th November 2023

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