RiboFlow Cronobacter® - Rapid Confirmation/Screening

RiboFlow® Cronobacter Detection Kit Overview

  • Detects pathogenic Cronobacter species in minutes using a proprietary nucleic acid hybridisation protocol.
  • No need for nucleic acid purification or enzymatic amplification.
  • Can confirm single suspicious colonies from selective agar plates.
  • Provides rapid molecular confirmation with results available on the same day.
  • Has a long shelf life and can be stored at ambient temperature.

The RiboFlow ® Cronobacter Detection Kit enables highly specific yet very simple detection of pathogenic Cronobacter species within just a few minutes, with little effort and equipment.

A ribosomal RNA sequence specific for Cronobacter spp. is detected within 25 minutes by a proprietary nucleic acid hybridisation protocol in a simple lateral flow assay format. Tedious nucleic acid purification or enzymatic amplification of the target sequence is unnecessary.

The devices can be used to confirm single suspicious colonies from selective agar plates as stated in ISO 22964:2017 as an additional tool for rapid molecular confirmation. Results are available on the same day. Due to the use of a dual sandwich hybridisation protocol applied in a simple lateral flow format, comparable specificity to PCR has been shown.

A complete screening procedure for Cronobacter ssp. using a proprietary enrichment protocol in combination with the RiboFlow Cronobacter kit is also available. That specific protocol can also be used in combination with the SY-LAB impedance technology. Due to the use of ribosomal RNA as target the test kit only detects viable Cronobacter spp.  

As one more member of the RiboFlow- family, test kits will come along in a convenient box with a very small footprint containing all reagents ready to use. The kits have a long shelf life and can be stored at ambient temperature.

Find out more here or use the Request Information button to email Sy-Lab directly.