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6th October 2014  Content supplied by: Charm Sciences Inc.

ROSA QUAD Validated for Antibiotic Screening of Raw Millk

The Institute for Agricultural and Fisheries Research (ILVO-T&V, Belgium) has issued a report stating that Charm Sciences’ ROSA QUAD test is appropriate for screening raw, commingled, bovine milk meant for import by Customs Union countries, which currently includes Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus.

Taking only five minutes to execute on the Charm EZ system, the ROSA QUAD Test is the fastest method to screen for all four required Russian drugs; beta-lactam, tetracycline, chloramphenicol and streptomycin—all in one test.

The ILVO-T&V performed their validation using the Charm EZ® system which offers an incubator and reader on a single platform and features built-in diagnostics that help prevent operator error.

For copies of the report Validation of the Charm 5 Minute Test for Beta-lactams, Chloramphenicol, Streptomycins and Tetracyclines (QUAD) for Raw Commingled Milk – Report by Wim Reybroeck and Sigrid Ooghe, contact

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Date Published: 6th October 2014

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