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21st January 2021  Content supplied by: Solus Scientific Solutions Ltd.

Save Time, Not Energy With Solus One Listeria

What makes Listeria dangerous?

Listeria may make fewer people sick than other foodborne pathogens, the presence of the bacteria is much more pervasive and Listeriosis carries a 20 – 30%* mortality rate if contracted by pregnant women, those over 65, or people with compromised immune systems"

With Solus One Listeria, you get a reliable and robust Listeria spp. detection method with next-day results and the option to run the assay manually or by automation. By choosing our highly efficient automated processing you can achieve up to 192 samples in a single machine, with negative/presumptive positive results in 2 hours and 45 mins post enrichment. Plus, you’ll benefit from:

  • Ability to cope with fluctuating sample volumes and capacity to grow
  • Excellent sample traceability when using the onboard barcode facility
  • Small instrument footprint to maximize bench space
  • Compact product packaging to reduce cold storage space requirement and packaging waste
  • An AOAC PTM certified method 051802

The development of Solus One Pathogen Detection System is a complete end-to-end diagnostic solution that combines the latest technology with advanced enrichment and walk-away automation to provide truly disruptive advantages for higher throughput testing operations. By designing a simple and ease-of-use assay we have taken away the time-consuming obstacles such as training, managing increased sample volume, and time to result. With on-screen step by step guide on how to run the assay. Detecting Listeria at high volumes has been made efficient and easy.

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Date Published: 21st January 2021

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